Genius baby at 1 year and 8 months reads about the green oak tree by the enchanted seashore.

Bravo to the mom and the little one! I don’t know who is the bigger clever-clogs, the child reciting almost by himself at such a young age, or the parents introducing him to real literature.


Watching such videos brings joy to the soul, and it’s hopeful for a bright future. My son could find the entire alphabet on blocks and show it by the age of 1.5. He knew numbers, and when I named any, he would pick them out from the pile of blocks by himself.

In infancy, kids quickly grasp things; you just need to engage with them. The boy is brilliant, and his mom is very patient and calm.

Well done to both! During pauses, you can see in the little one’s eyes that he’s not just repeating; he’s thinking! At this age, people don’t lie; they are pure.
Thanks to the mom for these poems! Let’s watch together as the little one, at 1 year and 8 months, recites poems by heart.

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